[SUS – Update] Google Chrome 74.0.3729.169

New Update available – Google Chrome 74.0.3729.169

Name: Google Chrome
Version: 74.0.3729.169
Date 2019-05-22
URL: https://cloud.google.com/chrome-enterprise/browser/download/?hl=de

More informations

All necessary information about the manufacturer and other information on the software can be found on this page.

Additionally for the baramundi Management Suite a baramundi Deploy Script is included. This allows you to quickly integrate this software into your existing environment. The included guide will help you build the structure, which I consider important for successful use and subsequent updates.

Software list

An overview of all software that is checked and reported by me can be found here – Software-Liste. As soon as a new software update is available, I’ll let you know about the known ways. If you miss a software, then please contact me via this page.

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