[SUS – Update] Adobe Flashplayer

Neues Update verfügbar – Adobe Flashplayer

Name: Adobe Flashplayer
Datum: 07.06.2018
URL: https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/?loc=de

Die Entwickler haben eine neue Version des Adobe Flashplayer veröffentlicht. Die Version enthält einige Bugfixes und Verbesserungen. Der Download findet direkt über den Hersteller statt.



Flash Player

  • Host cannot promote Participants into Host or Presenter role in a Connect Meeting.


  • Apple store REJECTION – AIR SDK using non-public APIs (AIR-4198623)
  • Error installing ad-hoc application on device using ad-hoc provisioning
  • Error with App Upload to Apple app store for missing NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription and NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription keys
  • ADT to correctly sign dynamic frameworks included packaged with iOS app (AIR-4198407)
  • Echo during video conference (AIR-4198549)
  • iphone8 and iphonex, map using atf the etc2 map will appear maze or color variegated.(AIR-4198515)
  • [Swift ANE] Dynamic framework signing issue
  • ATFViewer does not get launched.
  • Runtime.apk showing incorrect version on devices.
  • Packaging an application for iOS using dynamic framework gives NullPointerException when packaging with distribution certificate (AIR-4198408)
  • ADT to correctly sign dynamic frameworks included packaged with iOS app (AIR-4198407)
  • iOS app uploading to AppStore via iTunes shows WARNING ITMS-90722: “Certificate Expired” ( AIR-4198649 ,AIR-4198650)

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