baramundi Management Suite – Overview

baramundi Management Suite 2018 R1​

On this site you get all information about the baramundi Management Suite.I’ve you are new to the topic, start by reading this post about the comparison of IT Asset Management Tools.


This parts is for everyone how is new in the baramundi world. I’ve you have no knowledge in the baramundi Management Suite get throw these steps. After that you will have a great overview about all the areas and programs that will come with baramundi Management Suite.

Get started and you will see how easy you learn the new technics to get around with the baramundi Management Suite


Installation on a Windows Server 2012 R2


Installation and managing the database.

Management Center

Overview of the baramundi Management Center

Agent (bMA)

baramundi Management Agent - Installation mechanics and functions on an asset


Run tasks on an asset, hardware-/ softwareinvertory, software installation and deinstallation

Software distribution

Software installation on an asset with the help of the assistant


Here you learn the more practice task. We will look deeper in the baramundi Management Suite. Extension of the baramundi Management Suite to get more out of it. At the site baramundi Shortcuts you will get some packages that will help you in your daily workflow. 

If you are looking for some downloads, here you are right. All my checklists are created by myself and carry all the information that you need for a specific task e.g. to update the baramundi Management Suite from 2017 R2 to version 2018 R1.

Update 2018 R1

Backup the current installation, update baramundi Management Suite to version 2018 R1

baramundi Shortcuts

Useful features, custom scripts, custom deploy scripts


Checklisten, Batch Scripts, Deploy Scripts