
[SUS – Update] Watchguard Fireware 12.1.3 Update 1

Beitragsbild-neues Update

Beitragsbild-neues Update

Neues Update verfügbar – Watchguard Fireware 12.1.3 Update 1

Name: Watchguard Fireware / Watchguard System Manager
Version: 12.1.3 Update 1
Datum: 23.08.2018

Eine neue Firmware für die Watchguard Fireware 12.1.3 Update 1 wurde veröffentlicht. Der sonst mit aktualisierte Watchguard System Manager bleibt in der Version 12.1.3 bestehen. Die aktualisierte Firmware kann über die Seite des Herstellers heruntergeladen werden.

Changelog Watchguard Fireware 12.1.3 Update 1

Release Notes Watchguard Fireware 12.1.3 Update 1


  • The Arm LED light no longer unexpectedly turns off when a Firebox M200/M300 completes the bootup process. [FBX-11502, FBX121X-25]
  • This release resolves a memory leak in the SNMP process. [FBX-10994, FBX121X-22]
  • The Access Portal login page no longer enables autocorrect for the password field. [FBX-10204, FBX121X-10]
  • This release resolves an issue that caused an invalid FQDN for a domain with many IP addresses. [FBX-11083, FBX121X-17]
  • This release resolves a memory leak in the dhcpdprocess. [FBX-11633, FBX121X-29]
  • This release resolves an issue that caused the OSS daemon to crash. [FBX-12228, FBX121X-27]
  • Traffic Monitor now correctly displays data when an invalid UTF-8 character appears in a log message. [FBX-12268]


  • This release resolves multiple issues that caused the iked process to crash. [FBX-12555, FBX-12524, FBX-10289 FBX121X-24, FBX-12611]
  • This release resolves an issue that caused the Firebox to send decrypted BOVPN VIF tunnel traffic to the wrong interface. [FBX-11987, FBX121X-7]
  • This release resolves an attachment processing issue caused by the APT Blocker Message Hold feature. [FBX-12213, FBX121X-20]
  • IKE_Auth initiator request packets larger than 28674 are now supported to improve IKEv2 interoperability with Cisco devices. [FBX-11644, FBX121X-13]
  • This release resolves an issue that caused some UDP traffic to incorrectly route over a Branch Office VPN Virtual Interface tunnel. [FBX-11488, FBX121X-26]

Proxies and Services

  • Proxy memory usage is improved. [FBX-9563, FBX121X-11]
  • This release resolves an issue in which files that exceed Gateway AV scan limits fail to pass through the HTTP proxy. [FBX-12046, FBX121X-18]
  • The dnswatchd process no longer uses CPU when the DNSwatch feature is not enabled. [FBX-12198, FBX121X-14]
  • Subscription service updates no longer fail when you use the Firebox Cloud pay as you go license. [FBX-11762, FBX121X-12]
  • This release resolves an issue with multiple file submissions by APT Blocker when enabled in the IMAP proxy. [FBX-12376, FBX121X-19]
  • This release resolves an issue that prevented some applications that use a “custom TLS record type” from passing through the HTTPS proxy when matching a Domain Name configured to bypass content inspection. [FBX-9478, FBX121X-30]
  • Web UI now allows you to disable Application Control when the license is expired. [FBX121X-16]
  • This release resolves a proxy crash that caused general web browsing failure for users. [FBX-12785]


  • Autotask or ConnectWise tickets for “botnet-detection threshold exceeded” are no longer created when Botnet Detection is first enabled. [FBX-12237, FBX121X-23]

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